Creative Ways to Get to Work without a Car

Have you ever been intensely rushing to get to work, only to find out at the very last minute that your car won’t start!? Feeling the pressure to get a job without reliable transportation is frustrating, to say the least. Most of us have been there at one point or another; it is a disheartening feeling to not be able to take a job, simply because you do not have the resources to provide a consistent way to get to work. Don’t give up; instead, let’s get creative to find you a new ride to work.
Take the public bus. Okay, so maybe that is not so creative, but did you know that you could qualify for a FREE, or discounted bus pass? That means extra savings toward your new ride! Depending on your area, you might qualify for free transportation services at your local Goodwill. Also, some schools offer discounts to students for bus passes; investigate for yourself; maybe you can score a free bus pass at your school. Search online right now to see who offers help with transportation to work. You will be surprised to know there are more options than you may have thought.
Do you need a bike? The bus may only get you so far. Sometimes, to go the extra mile or two, a bike may be all you need. The truth is, most of us that are saving up for a car cannot afford to buy a bike if we don’t already have one. If you qualify for SNAP, TANF, Medicaid, or are involved in the JOBS program, you qualify for a FREE bike share program, (depending upon your location). Ask around to get specific, local details. If you don’t know who to ask, reach out to a Real Recruiter at Personnel Source; we might be able to provide you with support geared toward the Pacific Northwest region.
What if you could post where you want to go and simply carpool with someone already in transit to, or near your destination? This is a real possibility! Get There Oregon is a NEW, online trip-planning resource available to those looking for creative ways to get to work! Visit to check out this option for transportation. You can also download the Commute Tracker application which calculates your savings, calories burned, and your carbon footprint after using the app! If you are not in the service area, or this tool simply does not work for you, use the idea as an inspiration. Consider networking with coworkers, or whomever is willing to get involved, and start your own carpool plan. Speak up at work about your transportation issues. Chances are you are not alone. Others may be willing to help out because they have been in the same situation before.
Get inspired and be creative when looking for a job. Don’t let setbacks, such as not having a car, get in your way when possible. Once you reach your goal, and get your own ride, remember to pay it forward; offer to drive the local carpool. Like you and me, we all rely on a bit of kindness to get us to our destination from time to time.